Our Services
At EMMAUS our team are all cost conscious and look to pro-actively manage costs on our projects. We get involved with the design team and drive cost matters throughout the RIBA Stages through proven robust techniques including estimating, market testing, benchmarking and involving the design team in development of project cost plans with a focus always on achieving best value.
Our Project Managers take ownership of projects by understanding your key challenges and defining a response and team structure to best meet and overcome. We drive projects forward with enthusiasm and strong communication allied to use of sound processes and procedures to keep on track and provide meaningful, considered reports and advice to our Clients.
We undertake the Clients duties under the Building Contract to see that obligations are properly fulfilled whilst seeking to create an environment of respect and collaboration to deliver a successful and structured controlled environment. A number of our team have both Contractor and Consultant side experience and we believe this adds real value to our Clients
Get to Know Us More
Explore our list of current and previous projects within the realm of: residential, retail, leisure & hospitality, office & commercial, industry & logistics, heritage, education, & heath
If you would like to work with us, find out more about EMMAUS as a company, or order a brochure about our services, please contact us via email or phone by clicking the link below.